Manifesto of İstanbul Vision 2050

Three years ago, we embarked with the ideal of “a new start” for İstanbul, the capital of the civilizations and empires. We mentioned right from the first day that this journey will succeed together with the 16M İstanbulites and no one will be left behind. We promised to build the “honorable, peaceful and prosperous” future together as Veteran Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. We promised to govern this ancient city, which lost its direction and stuck in the middle of crises, with the shared wisdom in guidance of science while protecting its nature, history, culture and values with collective effort and prioritizing the happiness of İstanbulites! We took the way for walking to the future together and to turn our dreams into plans; and make plans real to grow our word!

“The Vision 2050 Strategy” is manifested with the ideas, efforts and contributions of thousands of people harmonized with the analysis based on data and prepared for constituting the future cure by like the tomography of İstanbul in good hands with the principles of active participation, accountability, transparency and cooperation.

The experience sharing has made by creating cooperation with the local authorities of the experienced cities on strategic urban planning. All of the global challenges like the global changing trends, transforming economies of metropolitans and cities, climate crisis, widening poverty, social inequalities and safety are discussed to find possible solutions.

And at the end of these three years, I can put these words forward with a realistic ambition: Now we have a plan for İstanbul that can bring hope to all other cities of Turkey and metropolitans of the World, constitute a democratic life in İstanbul and Turkey and to help us to create our future with our own hands! We have a dream for a better İstanbul!

Please follow this link to get the brief summary of the İstanbul Vision 2050 Strategy presented the Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu.

Istanbul Vision 2050 Strategy Document